“Hi Jen, LOVING the course so far! I'm just wrapping up the fifth lesson, and already I've learned so much about myself. Lots of what you talk about really resonates with me and also helped me feel less alone about the mental blocks I put up that are getting in the way of finding the right job for me.”

Ari Bell, PhD (psychology)

“I was able to better understand what was important to me in job searches, and, in turn, could articulate to employers why I was interested in their job posting, how my priorities align with their institution, and the long-term vision of my career.”

Moriah Bellissimo, PhD, RD (nutrition and health sciences)

“The best part of the course for me was finding my focus. I went through the recommended exercises and found that it was really helpful to write down exactly what I was seeking - this really helped me to limit my search and not get bogged down by just applying for jobs that were likely not suitable. I was lucky in that I could wait for the job that truly appealed to me and even though it was frustrating at times, my patience paid off and I was able to secure a short term contract in my dream job (role and organization)... I also found it helpful to be in a supportive environment and hear from other PhDs and also of course your support and listening ear! Thanks for asking the right questions and always being empathetic to the difficult task of job seeking.”

Jane Doe*, PhD (public health)

“Working with Jen was an excellent experience. I have a PhD and am in the midst of an academia to industry transition. Jen understood what I was going through in a unique way as only someone who has also gone through it can. Every session, she challenged my assumptions and preconceived notions about my career transition and asked the right questions to unlock feelings and ideas I did not even know I had. I have come out of this experience immersed in a new industry sector with goals that better align with who I am and my core values. Jen taught me to identify and name my fears and how to work through them to move forward. I highly recommend working with Jen, especially if you have a PhD unsure of what to do outside of academia or how to go about finding a job in industry.”

Matthew G. Doyle, PhD, PEng (mechanical engineering)

“The PhD Career Clarity Program gave me the space I needed to reflect on who I am, what matters to me, and how I define meaningful work, helping me lean on my own inner wisdom to navigate decisions about next steps in my career. Each section reinforces that central guidance—you can find work that matters to you and aligns with your goals and values. Tools in the Prep and Focus sections (like the “Gremlins and Other Unhelpful Stories” worksheet) made me more mindful of the stuff gunking up my thoughts around career choice and reminded me of personal strengths I could call upon. Building on this foundation of self-knowledge, the Identify and Market lessons provided highly practical, expert strategies and exercises aimed at making the job search process more targeted and effective. I feel fortunate to be moving forward in my career with the gems of self-insight that came from taking this course alongside a wonderful community of fellow jobseekers. Thanks Jen!”

Katie Hynes, PhD (English)

“Jen’s Career Clarity program helped demystify the job search process and made me feel less alone. I felt pretty lost knowing I had to find a new job but not knowing the steps I needed to follow to get there. But with Jen’s help, I feel so strong and confident in my marketability and my ability to change careers (in the middle of a pandemic!) without sacrificing my values.”

Rachel Hynson, PhD (history)

“Thank you so much for your support in the Career Clarity program! It was just what I needed as I was taking my first steps out of academia. I felt alone, disoriented, insecure, clueless, and hopeless. Two weeks ago, just six months after that difficult start, I got the best job I could possibly hope for. I remember reading these kinds of sentences from other transitioning PhDs and thinking it couldn't happen to me. Well, it did! I'm over the moon, and the interactions with you have been an instrumental part of my success. My favorite part was the live Q&A sessions. Your personalized advice was super helpful, and the moral support was breathing life into me. I didn't feel alone anymore because I felt that I have you to guide me and the rest of the group by my side.”

Tania Smith,* PhD (philosophy)

Pricing options

Get started today for only US $137 or pay the full program cost upfront and save. Either way, you'll get access to the full program for one year.


  • This is a twelve month program but I want a job sooner than that. Is there an accelerated version?

    Yes! This program includes access to all program materials and support from Jen via small group Zoom meetings for 12 months, but that doesn't mean it will take you a year to go through everything and get your next great job. You can go as fast or slow as you want.

  • I'm still a PhD student / not looking for work right now. When's the best time to sign up?

    Great question. A job search, especially one that lands you a great job you actually want, can take a while. The bulk of the material in this program covers the work you need to do before you're actively applying for jobs -- all the self-assessment, career exploration, and networking activities that are so important to setting yourself up for success. Ideally you join months before you plan to be looking for work.

  • My PhD is in X. Does this program apply to me?

    I (Jen) created this program for PhDs from any and all disciplines. The principles and strategies I teach work for all PhDs. As you identify the job and career options that work for you, you will (as part of the program) seek specific advice and information from professionals in your target field(s). Check out the testimonials on this page for a sense of the variety of PhDs I've worked with.

  • I have a question that's not addressed here. Can you answer it?

    I'm happy to do that! Email [email protected] or get at me via Twitter DM (or LinkedIn or Facebook). I want you to be confident in your decision to enroll in the program.

Jennifer Polk

PhD Career Coach and Educator

Jennifer Polk, PhD (Twitter: @FromPhDtoLife), is a career coach and consultant. She launched From PhD to Life, a career coaching and speaking business, in 2013. Jen speaks on university campuses and at academic and professional conferences. Her University Affairs blog is a three-time gold winner from the Canadian Online Publishing Awards, and has contributed essays to three books. More recently, she was an expert panelist for the 2021 Canadian Council of Academies report, Degrees of Success, on the challenges PhDs face transitioning to employment. In addition, she currently serves on the board of directors for CAGS, the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies. Jen earned her PhD in history from the University of Toronto.